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Our History
A small group of employees at the Y-12 plant formed the credit union in June 1950. Word spread about the WOW experiences members found there, including new ways to save, create strong futures, and achieve upward mobility. By October the credit union had more than 700 members.
Our first Board of Directors were:
President Don Phillips, C.L. Estes, John Reece, W.K. Palmer, Vice President James R. Whitcomb, Evan Means, and Mabel Tyer
Board of Directors
Your board and committee members are volunteers who generously give their time and talent to lead our Credit Union efforts. In addition to monthly meetings, they spend countless hours on Credit Union business and activities on behalf of our members. This volunteer spirit is the heart of the credit union movement.
David Rupert, Chair
Lloyd Jollay, Vice Chair
David Liles, Financial Officer
Hurtis Hodges, Secretary
Sam Pelchar, Director
Tom Fisher, Director
To contact our volunteer Board Members, please address mail to:
P.O. Box 2512
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-2512