Fraud Alerts

Get Fraud Text Alerts directly to your phone.

We offer the highest level of security when it comes to protecting your account from fraudulent charges.  VISA’s Fraud Detection Service monitors transactions on your account 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. For your protection, you can receive text alerts to notify you of suspected fraud. 

Fraud Text Alert details:

  • Text alerts are near real-time.  This means if a valid transaction is declined for suspected fraud, you can respond to the alert and almost immediately rerun the transaction for approval.

  • All members with a VISA credit or debit card are automatically opted into text alerts. You may opt out of the service by replying STOP to the text message; however, we strongly encourage you to utilize this protection!

  • To ensure you receive these important alerts, make sure that your mobile number is correct in Online Banking.

  • Messages will be sent from short code 23618 and will not contain any telemarketing, cross-marketing, solicitation, advertising, or debt collection messages of any kind.  Please save this number in your phone as “VISA Fraud Alerts”. 

  • The cost of text alerts is waived by many major cell phone carriers. 

If you choose to opt out of text alerts, you will still be contacted regarding suspected fraud via phone.  You can expect the following when contacted by a fraud representative:

  • You will be asked to verify personal information on yourself and your card. 

  • We will never ask for your card PIN number.

  • The Fraud Representative will review the transactions with you. If your account has fraudulent transactions, your card will be blocked and you will be asked to follow-up with the credit union during normal business hours.

  • If you receive a message from our Fraud Representative, please return the call as soon as possible at 1-800-482-1043. If we do not hear from you, we may at our discretion block your card to prevent potential fraudulent charges. For this reason, it is critical for you to return messages left by a VISA Fraud Representative.

  • Our automated system is available 24/7 by calling 1-800-482-1043. You can then use the automated system to verify transactions. If the transactions are fraudulent, this service will block your card from future transactions.